Journal #19
Posted By: Melissa Veum
Engl 48A
" But it pleased God before they came half seas over, to smite this young man with a grievous disease, of which he died in a desperate manner, and so was himself the first that was thrown overboard (Bradford, 114)."
"And for the season it was winter, and they that know the winters of that country know them to be sharp and violent, and subject to cruel and fierce storms (Bradford,"
This passage was very interesting to me because it shows the wrath of God that the people of this time felt. This young man had put his ugly face forward and talked about being mean to the poor and wanting to throw them into the ocean. This is a very good example of karma. He wanted to exercise his strength and try to be the boss of everyone and wanted everyone to obey him or else be thrown overboard. These poor, sick people could do nothing but hear him bad mouthing them the whole time. Bradford says this young man was proud and probably arrogant in his ways, thinking that no harm would ever come to him, even if he treated others this way.
In this passage I see that Bradford opened up about how relentless this young man was and then describes him having the very diseased death he wished upon others on the boat. Karma at it's finest... He had threatened to throw others overboard and that is exactly what God made happen to him. He made fun of and yelled at the sick people incessantly and then God took avengance towards him and made him sicker than any and as a result, he died a very painful death and then was the first to be thrown overboard. God's wrath is very powerful and should not be "messed with" by anyone thinking that they are above the hands of God.
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